Booking tennis courts without unnecessary calls
With the Book4Sport app, you can quickly find and book free tennis courts in venues all over the world
© 2021-2023 Book4Sport
  • Search
    You can set the city and court type, search for free courts by time and date, or use the map search
  • Payment by card
    We accept Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, Masterpass, and Visa Checkout. Payment without commissions
  • Display of free hours
    You can immediately see the hours available for booking and their price for a given court type
  • Promotions
    Special prices for bookings and other services of tennis clubs. Various prizes for Book4Sport users. Birthday surprises and much more
  • Canceling a reservation
    Convenient option to cancel your reservation with minimal losses if something goes wrong ;)
  • Additional services
    Ability to add services to the reservation: coaching and sparring, ball and racket rental, and much more
  • Customer support
    Human and trouble-free!
  • New clients
    Informing tennis players in your city about free hours in your club, holding master classes with professional players under the auspices of Book4Sport - all this brings new customers to your club and popularizes its activities
  • Increase in profits
    Our mission is to develop our partners and bring their income to a higher level. The partner club immediately receives additional income through: selling dead hours, receiving full advance payment from the client, automatically writing off the penalty for late cancellation, selling additional services, promotions and advertising, and even reducing the time spent on "unbundling" overlaps that used to happen in the absence of an IT reservation management system
  • Sale of vacant hours
    Regular and constant occupancy of the courts is the dream of every club owner. Book4Sport will help you achieve this business goal by informing your customers, organizing promotions and special personalized offers
  • Offloading administrators
    Book4Sport significantly reduces the share of routine work of administrators to allow them to pay attention to really important things: communicating with customers, increasing comfort in the club, supervising line staff, improving processes, and selling additional services
  • Automation of the administrator's seat
    A notebook or an Excel spreadsheet is the "pinnacle" of automation in some clubs. Book4Sport changes the approach: we provide an IT tool that reduces the risk of human error, automates payment, system planning, control and accounting processes.
  • Selling additional services
    We believe that the share of sales of additional services in a club should be 40-50%. Our sales system in the Book4Sport app more fully informs customers about the range of services offered by the partner and encourages them to order them in advance: coaching, sparring, ball and racket rental, massage, and swimming pool - we will show all this to the client
  • Turnkey CRM
    A thorough knowledge of your customers, their preferences and inclinations is the key to business growth. We provide a full-featured solution tailored specifically for tennis clubs. Gain full control over processes, inventory, accounting, HR, and other aspects of your business. We can automate everything from a hotel complex with courts for guests to a small business with two courts by the beach. Give this joy to your customers, your accountant, and, of course, your owner!
  • Club promotion
    Book4Sport partner clubs are included in all our promotion activities: social networks, master classes with professional players, promotions and special offers, promotions during national and international sports competitions, as well as during business forums and other national and international events, etc.
  • Legal and professional support
    Get legal and professional advice in the field of sports at the national and international levels
Register your club
Submit Your Club Details Using the Form Below or Contact Us at +380 (93) 146-39-29
Book in this venues
In these clubs, you can already make a reservation through Book4Sport
Download the free app in the App Store and Google Play.
Start booking courts online today!